After your CEC activity, your audience is going to feel inspired, energized, and ready to share the ideas that they have learned. You will want to take advantage of this moment. Thank your attendees (and the ones that registered but could not attend), on the same day or the day after, the event, with a nice email:
“Dear all,
Thank you for making the CEC (YOUR CITY) (TITLE OF EVENT) a success. For those who were unable to attend, thank you for letting me know, I hope to see you next time. I will be uploading the photos from the event to the CEC Facebook and CEC LinkedIn groups, you can keep track of the CEC (YOUR CITY) activities here (LINK TO YOUR CEC SESSION PAGE).
This is a great example of how collaborative work can help to both drive efficiency and be rewarding. Thank you all for your contribution.
Have a great rest of your week and the team at CEC (YOUR CITY) hope to see you soon,
(LinkedIn profile)”
Upload your photos
After your event, select the best 10 photos and upload them to your event listing, so that they come up in your CEC local group photo gallery.
Please also share them with the other members by uploading them to the CEC Facebook and LinkedIn groups with a title: ‘EVENT NAME, by CEC (YOUR CITY) – Date’.
Remember that photos of CEC events should be released under a Creative Commons license (“Attribution – NonCommercial – NonDerivs”), so they can be freely shared and reposted. However, you can attribute the photos to your photographer by including their name in max 10px font size at the bottom-right of the pictures.
Keep your community active
After your session is over, we know what the natural thing to do next is — rest! You have put all the work in, and now you should put your feet up after what we hope was a fruitful and rewarding experience.
After a rest, we invite you to think about the session, what worked very well and what did not, and discuss with your team what steps you can take to improve.
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