Join CEC London, during the CEC Circular Cities Week, for a screening of Our Planet: Our Business hosted by PwC and in partnership with WWF.
Science shows that there is now an ecological crisis as well as a climate catastrophe looming. Nature is fundamental for all life, providing many free services for business. Now, business needs to act to halt its collapse, and to secure the future of business itself.
The Circular Economy Club (CEC) London is collaborating with @PwC and @WWF to screen a stunning film inspired by the Our Planet Netflix series – Our Planet: Our Business to raise awareness of the potential collapse of nature and how the Circular Economy can help provide solutions.
Shot using state of the art technology, accompanied by a fantastic soundtrack and featuring interviews with leading scientists, world leaders and natural historian Sir David Attenborough, it captures our world as never seen before. It also sets out how we can avert the collapse of nature.
Join us at PwC, 1 Embankment Place, London WC2N 6RH from 12 noon to 2.15pm on Tuesday 29th October for a light lunch, this special screening, and a panel debate.
12 .00 – Registration/lunch
12:45 – Welcome by Bridget Jackson, Chief Sustainability Officer PwC and Dr David Greenfield Circular Economy Club European External Affairs spokesperson
13:00 – Screening of the WWF Our Planet Our Business film
13:40 – Panel disscusion and Q & A – Can this film inspire us to embed and create a Circular Economy, chaired by Dr David Greenfield with panellists:
- Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor of London for Environment and Energy(invited)
- Henry Le Fleming, Circular Economy Lead, PwC Sustainability and Climate Change
- Thomas Ball, Head of Partnerships Management, WWF
14:05 – Pledges for personal and corporate commitments
14.15 – Networking
14.15 – Two PwC tours (max 10 pre-registered people per tour)
14.30- Close
About the PwC tour
PwC has been steadily applying the principles of the circular economy to its buildings and operations for over a decade and is now a leader in its field. In fact, the examples on show at its headquarters at 1 Embankment Place, Charing Cross, London, are applicable to any business anywhere, and are often quick to implement, driving cost savings to the bottom line immediately.
In this short tour, which follows the screening of Our Planet: Our Business being co-hosted by CEC and PwC, members of PwC’s widely recognised corporate sustainability team will take you onto the practice floors where the waste management, circular furniture and carbon busting lighting and other new technologies can be seen in action – providing a world-class working environment for the c. 6000 people housed in this iconic building.
Places will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis and we can accommodate two groups of 10 people.
The Circular Economy Club London would like to thank PwC for hosting this event and WWF for partnering with us. Through the Circular Cities Week, we are aiming to identify opportunities of implementing the circular economy in London, building on the great work undertaken by the GLA and LWARB through the creation of the Circular Economy Routemap and strategy. This event will provide a multi-stakeholder call to action for councils to support delivery of circular local strategies.