You are interested in shifting our actual linear economy model towards a more circular and sustainable model? You already have an idea for a circular initiative or startup but you’re not quite sure yet how to make it viable on a business level?
In this workshop we will tackle the broad theme of circular business modeling, learning about tools & methods that will help you transform your vision into a tangible viable business. You will also get a glimpse into inspiring swiss existing circular projects and be able to share your thoughts and needs with the community.AGENDA:
18:00 Doors Open
18:15 Welcome from Impact Hub // Circular Economy initiative Switzerland
18:25 Input to Circular Business Models
18:35 Keynotes – 2 inspiring Startups from the swiss CE scene
18:50 CE Idea Pitch Session
19:00 Group sessions -Twist your circular Business Model!
19:30 Sharing & next steps
19:45 Apero!With our sustainability expert network and coaches, this workshop will help you to bring your business model to the next level. ????
If you feel you have an idea that is already mature, generates positive scalable impact and belongs to the field of Circular Economy, you can already apply to the Circular Economy Incubator here:
https://zurich.impacthub.ch/de/program/circular-economy-incubator/ -