A new industrial revolution is slowly taking shape in the form of businesses that are learning to eliminate and prevent waste and do more with less in a bid to become more profitable and mitigate damage to the environment and society. The terms used to describe these activities are sustainability (often defined as ‘the capacity to continue into the long-term’) and the circular economy (which can be defined as repeatedly re-using resource materials and their molecules in a regenerative system to avoid the need for replacement resources [i.e.: waste prevention]).
Examples of both practices in action include a subsidiary of the DuPont corporation, which achieved a goal of zero-waste to landfill, generated $2.2-billion in new revenue, and reduced production costs by over $400,000. Additional examples include General Electric, which reduced its annual costs by $100-million, generated an increase of $17-billion in yearly revenues, and eliminated 30% of its greenhouse gas emissions in the process. And the world’s largest manufacturer of carpet tiles (Interface) which pledged to eliminate waste and use its old products to make new products. During the first five years of its commitment to sustainability, Interface
tripled its revenues, doubled its profits, and doubled employment while watching its stock price increase 550%. Just as important, this phenomenon is by no means limited to big businesses. Available in English, Arabic, Mandarin, Polish and Simplified Chinese, The Sustainable Business is a free, award-winning, easy-to-read, 200-page introductory book that explains how companies both large and small are learning to increase their chances of survival by eliminating waste and reducing resource consumption while also generating long-term wealth and creating jobs in the process.
You can now DOWNLOAD FREE COPIES of The Sustainable Business which are distributed for the purpose of explaining the fundamentals of waste elimination and resource-life extension (two core components of sustainability and the circular economy) and to facilitate long-term sustainable business development and job creation (including job security). The book and its accompanying materials (videos, workbooks, classroom materials, etc) are offered for free to businesses, working people and businesses schools so they can share this knowledge openly with fellow employees, suppliers, distributors, customers, students, and other business stakeholders. Put another way, educating managers is not enough. If basic information about waste and resource use is not made freely available to everyone, it will be much more difficult for the world’s business communities to move toward a sustainable future.
Currently, the book is used as an introductory text (in business schools), as a basic training manual in businesses, and as a beginner’s guide for educating the general public (i.e.: the vast majority of people who don’t attend conferences and whose employers don’t – or won’t – provide adequate training). If you are reading this, you too are welcome to use the book to do the same in your region or country (with proper attribution, of course)!
- EFMD is Europe’s premier academic-quality assessment organization; it accredits the world’s leading business schools.
- CIPS creates free supplemental education and training materials that introduce fundamental sustainability concepts to business communities and business students. CIPS also delivers customized workplace training programs, and, higher education courses for business schools.
- The Product-Life Institute (PLI) is Europe’s first sustainability-based think tank and research body. It was founded by sustainability pioneer Walter Stahel, who is also the chief editor of The Sustainable Business.
Please note that CIPS and EFMD and PLI do not ask for, or accept, donations and do not offer consulting services. We are education-based. These organizations do not raise funds and do not wish to compete against those that do. They distribute free training and education materials simply because they believe it is the right thing to do. The Circular Economy Club is pleased to join them in this endeavor!