BSI have created a free to download Executive Briefing on BS 8001 Framework for implementing the principles of the circular economy in organizations – Guide.
This Executive Briefing is aimed at executives, decision-makers and senior managers. It provides a short overview of why the circular economy might be beneficial to organizations and how BS 8001 can help them take steps towards becoming more circular and create direct and indirect value.
The new BS 8001 British Standard is the world’s first standard for implementing circular economy principles.
It has been written in a way so that can be applied to any organization regardless of location, size, sector and type and is built on six guiding principles:
- Systems thinking: Organizations take a holistic approach to understand how individual decisions and activities interact within the wider system;
- Innovation: Organizations continually innovate to create business value through the sustainable management of resources in products and services;
- Stewardship: Organizations manage the direct and indirect impacts of their decisions and activities across their system;
- Collaboration: Organizations collaborate internally and externally through formal and/or informal arrangements to create mutual business value;
- Value optimization: Organizations keep all products, components and materials at their highest value and utility at all times;
- Transparency: Organizations are open about decisions and activities that affect their ability to transition to a more sustainable and circular mode of operation and are willing to communicate these in a clear, accurate, timely, honest and complete manner.