AIMPLAS is a technology centre with 30 years of experience in the plastics industry. We provide solutions to companies throughout the value chain, from raw material manufacturers to plastic processors and end users. Our mission is twofold: We add value to companies so that they Read more [...]
Tag: innovation
Miami (United States)
COVERINGS ETC has been a member of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) since 2001 and is committed to seeking out innovative and future forward hard surface materials adhering to sustainability and circular economy initiatives from sourcing to placement. The Read more [...]
Anchor Taiwan
all (Taiwan)
Anchor Taiwan created a new model for Asia soft-landing. 3 times a year we curate a 1-month entrepreneurial residency program in Taiwan for professionals from around the world. These participants come to Taiwan to accelerate growth for their ventures Read more [...]
Zoom Sustentable
San Isidro (Argentina)
Entendemos por nuestra experiencia que los procesos productivos de desarrollo de productos o servicios pueden ser pensados e ideados desde un enfoque circular, regenerativo y próspero. Ofrecemos acompañamiento en proyectos de triple impacto, integrando Innovación, Sustentabilidad y visión sistémica. Brindamos Read more [...]
Circular Glasgow
Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Circular Glasgow is an initiative of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. It is a movement to inspire businesses of all sizes to innovate and become future-proof by adopting circular strategies. Connecting companies across the city, we help them to open up Read more [...]
Camel hub
Medellín (Colombia)
Camel hub is a Circular Business Network dedicated to connect change-makers with decision-makers from Organizations/Companies committed to make positive impact in terms of sustainability. At the bottom level, Camel hub is a coworking business model where startups/circular projects converge. Read more [...]
Sustainable Innovations Europe
Madrid (Spain)
Sustainable Innovations is the place where engineers, researchers, environmentalist, business and communication experts have finally met. Such passionated mix, together with our clients, could only generate ambition and great ideas. Our job consists in bringing forward those sustainable ideas into Read more [...]