ÉCONOMIE CIRCULAIRE : UNE TRANSITION INCONTOURNABLE Un cours en ligne sur l’économie circulaire, ?gratuit et accessible aux étudiants, aux professionnels et aux décideurs de tous horizons!? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant :https://bit.ly/2W49QpL Les inscriptions de la première édition se tiennent jusqu’au 17 juin Read more [...]
MOOC Urban Metabolism for Policy Makers
all (United States)
The world is urbanising rapidly. In 2009, the number of people living in cities (around 3,5 billion) surpassed the number living in rural areas. While the urban population is hosted only on 3% of global land area, it is also Read more [...]
Circular Economy: Sustainable Materials Management
Lund (Sweden)
This free online, self-paced, course can be found on the Coursera MOOC platform with sessions running continuously from November 2018 onward. The course looks at where important materials in products we use every day come from and how these materials Read more [...]