Embedding circularity in the university curriculum

In the year of your license, you can organize any type of activity. Especially if you are a CEC University Organizer, we recommend hosting a session where you discuss how to embed circularity in the curriculum.


A) How to run the event

How do I develop a session to embed circularity in the curriculum? We will walk you through this step by step in the planning process.


What are the objectives of the session?

  • Convince and support your academic peers that embedding circularity in the curriculum is necessary.
  • Create a clear plan on which degrees to embed it.
  • Share the draft syllabus CEC is providing for this exercise.

What does the agenda look like?

  • 10 min – Session starts: Introduce CEC and explain how the session will work
  • 15 min – Pitch the circular economy and why is it important to teach to undergraduate and graduate students
  • 90 min – Discussion session about which degrees to teach it to, objectives and syllabus
  • 10 min – Session wrap-up establishing next steps




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