A bi-monthly networking event to accelerate circular economy development by connecting circular economy professionals, digital experts and business decision makers to enable and encourage co-ideation and co-creation.
On stage:
Karoliina Loikkanen, Head of Sustainability, CargotecMarko Turpeinen, Director of EIT Digital Finland and Member of the European Policy Centre Taskforce on Digital in Circular Economy
Alejandro Santacreu, CEO & Founder, Circular Devices & PuzzlePhone
What? Networking, two crisp presentations, one demoTo whom? Circular economy professionals, digital experts, business leaders and those interested
When? Monday 19th November, 16:30 – 19:00
Where? EIT Digital, Aalto Open Innovation House, Maarintie 6, Otaniemi
For me? Contacts, knowledge, change tools, ideas.For additional information please contact us at info@digitally-circular.fi