Resource efficiency in the waste management sector has a double meaning. On the one hand, it refers to the operation of enterprises, mainly SMEs, involved in this system, while on the other, to the outputs of the system as a whole, which goal, according to circular economy, is to maximise the recovery of resources from waste. Both these aspects are strictly interlinked and translate directly into the quantity and quality of the secondary raw materials, as well as profitability of operations of the involved entities. It requires flexibility in performance of the enterprises, adequate organisation and well-conceived investments, which are often limited by economic, technical and organisational factors.
The workshop is intended to be very interactive and practical. It will provide a forum for discussions related to:
- To raise awareness of the entrepreneurs on the relevance and possibilities of improving the resource efficiency in waste management operations and their impact on the profitability of operations;
- To highlight the opportunities and good practices, share knowledge and experiences among participants;
- To identify and discuss the key issues and systemic solutions (e.g. EPR) relevant for resource efficient operations of SMEs involved in the collection, sorting and processing of packaging waste recycling;
- To identify the information needs of the collection, sorting and processing entities concerning measures to optimize their performance in line with the market trends.
The event will mainly be in English with translation to Polish.
The workshop will be co-hosted by IETU.
The event has been designated as an EU Industry Day Event.
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