After a short update on Brighton & Hove City Council’s Circular Economy route map from David Greenfield, Anna Bertmark will share some thoughts about an exciting “circular experiment” conducted by two sisters in an Australian high street, which resulted in cost savings and a stronger community spirit amongst the businesses, as well as changes which benefitted the local people and environment.Then we’ll give you the chance to connect online with some of the other attendees in break-outs, and discuss a couple of questions before joining the full group again to wrap up.Please sign up on Eventbrite here and we will send you a Zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/experiments-in-circular-economy-tickets-125042189555?fbclid=IwAR2qDiM2_4WBVYoYAh08annAX8_Q1BzSncisQ1wgZMWzAkKZFBC3if4vky0