Greetings, Circular Enthusiast!
Webinar of the Road to The 4th Indonesia Circular Economy Forum (ICEF) 2021:
Towards Smart & Sustainable Cities through Circular EconomyAccording to the UN, city population is predicted to grow rapidly and ⅔ of the population will live in urban areas by 2050. It is high time for a new, regenerative approach to use resources wisely in cities through circular economy. We invite you to be part of this webinar to expedite circular issues forward!
Dates: Tuesday, October 6th 2020 (09.00am – 04.00pm WIB/GMT +7)
Platform: LIVE at ZOOM
Registration: bit.ly/roadtoICEFSessions:
- Opening Statement by Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa*tbc
- Keynote: Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Minister Counsellor Embassy of Norway to Indonesia, Ambassador of Denmark to Indonesia
- Session 1: The Circular Economy Progress in Indonesia
- Session 2: The Circular Economy in Cities
- Session 3: Strategic Focus Area for The Circular Economy
- Closing Statement by the Counselor Development Cooperation of the German Embassy in Indonesia & PT. Napindo
Check our website for more information: www.indonesiacef.id
Free of Charge, REGISTER NOW!