This innovative Erasmus+ European project started in October 2019 and will have a total duration of two years. It envisions the development of an interactive, needs-oriented online Circular Economy (CE) labor market ecosystem and skills mapping and provides a training package for employed and unemployed persons to equip them with basic skills in CE-related jobs like recycling management, reuse and remanufacturing opportunities, and servitisation (services instead of products) development.
VET organizations that provide such trainings result to one of the main target groups of the project, which among with its training accredited partners will secure the recognition of skills and qualifications of its participants based on the EQF, and the ECVET maximizing their potential for access to the labor market and for social and financial integration.
The project is coordinated by the Organization:
- “Nezisková organizácia Centrum kontinuálneho vzdelávania” (Slovakia).
The other participant Organizations are:
- “Center for Social Innovation Ltd.” (Cyprus),
- “Stimmuli for Social Change” (Greece),
- “Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Ltd” (Ireland),
- “Fondo Provinciale Milanese per la Cooperazione Internazionale” (Italy),
- “PRISM-Promozione Internazionale Sicilia-Mondo” (Italy),
- “Instituto Politecnico de Santarem” (Portugal), and
- “Magenta Consultoria Projects SL” (Spain).
For more details, visit the Website of CICLO, which can also provide further information on future actions, events, news, and other relevant material that will be produced at the next stages of the implementation of the project. Find us also on Facebook.