In this episode, Morten Risom Nielsen engineer and product developer at Lendager Group, shares his experiences with turning waste into successful new products. Lendager Group is based in Copenhagen and has been spearheading circular economy implementation in the built environment. We talk about the upcycled products he helped develop at Lendager group, the right mindset to make upcycling happen, his workflow for product development, and how to capture environmental and business benefits.
02:48 Successful upcycled products // 03:55 Mindset for making upcycling happen // 05:00 Opportunities for upcycling // 06:45 Key difference when developing upcycling products compared with primary products // 08:30 The workflow for upcycling products // 13:10 Key consideration for securing environmental benefits from upcycling // 17:15 Low-hanging fruits for environmental benefits // 19:30 Key considerations for securing business benefits // 23.05 Low-hanging fruits for business benefits.
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