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Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019
The Circular Economy Club
#SIF19 #COP25Round table discussion report 11/12/2019
Circular Economy Club reporting the outcome of the roundtable discussion to the forum.
During the COP25 Madrid, in the side event organised by Climate Action’s Sustainable Innovation Forum, the Circular Economy Club, as the event’s official institutional partner, was invited to participate in Roundtable workshops to discuss solutions related with climate change from a Circular Economy perspective. The theme of the table was applying circularity in cities; what is a broad but also very specific topic given the relevance of cities globally as citizens hubs, consumers, businesses, and also still a few industries – considering with it the buildings, transport, infrastructure and consumption which have huge impacts in terms of use of resources, emissions, consequently the climate emergency, and therefore the transition to sustainability. However, cities are also hubs to the soft non-material aspect of living which includes the natural ecosystem, the social, cultural and economic systems. As such, the round table discussion took a broad-perspective, all-encompassing, human-centric and eco-systemic view of the circular economy. The round table was led by 3 local Circular Economy experts and members of the CEC.
You can download the full report on the following link: SIF19_COP25_Round table discussion report
Also, the official event report can be found on the following link: Accelerating Solutions for Climate Action