‘Circular economy’ was mentioned in the Sustainability Summit Asia 2018 held in Kuala Lumpur this year as being “the best chance in reversing the causes of climate change and achieving environment-focused goals, is achievable with the right innovation and invention” (Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2018/11/16/circular-economy-can-be-achieved-says-jeffrey-cheah/#SsgyTbw0zAPch5hd.99). It also appeared in the PJ 2018 Waste Summit organised by MBPJ.
But what actually is the circular economy? And how is it relevant to us?
This video viewing seeks to enrich this ongoing discussion. The event is titled as “What if We could Redesign Everything?” and it is part of the Circular Economy Club (CEC) Global Viewing of a global online festival called the Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF). The DIF is an online platform aims to shift mindsets and inspire action towards a circular economy. The festival invites people to share disruptive ideas and stories on a number of topics and attracts a worldwide audience, sparking critical conversations and participation through a curated series of videos from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. This year, the CEC is partnering with DIF to bring this knowledge and discussion of the circular economy beyond the festival dates and to more cities through locally organised viewing parties of selected festival videos.
This viewing is organised in the month of December in conjunction with other CEC Global DIF Viewing parties in the rest of the world. CEC is a not-for-profit network of 3,100 circular economy professionals and organisations over 85 countries with the aim of connecting professionals to foster opportunities and collaboration, and providing them with the tools and resources needed to bring the circular economy to life.
6.45pm – 7.15pm: Registration and networking
7.15pm – 7.20pm: Introduction to CEC, DIF and the viewing
7.20pm – 8.00pm: Video viewing #1 – System reset (an introduction)
8.00pm – 8.30pm: Discussion session 1
8.30pm – 8.45pm: Break
8.45pm – 9.10pm: Video viewing #2 – Circular economy in practice
9.10pm – 9.30pm: Discussion session 2
9.30pm – 10.00pm: Networking session
At the end of the viewing, you will get a clearer idea about the circular economy and will have examples to help you explain the circular framework to others. You will also have the chance to learn about what other peers are doing worldwide.
Who is the event for?
- Architects, Designers, Engineers and Makers
- Established companies and Start-ups in the energy sector, agriculture, construction, textiles/fashion, electronics, renewable energies, etc
- Consultants, Business leaders and Strategists
- Education professionals and Researchers
- NGOs and professional associations
Thanks to our community partners for hosting this event:
WORQ – https://www.facebook.com/worq.space/
PE Research – http://peresearch.com.my/ -