The Summer School brings together highly motivated PhD candidates from a variety of disciplines to foster entrepreneurial thinking, increase their awareness regarding circular economy opportunities and provide them with skills and tools to translate technological ideas into relevant and viable business initiatives.
The Challenge
The goal of the programme is the application of concepts from the circular economy and the functional economy to the technology sector in the broad sense. In 2017, challenges were brought up through AGORIA by entreprises manufacturing industrial and domestic appliances. Participating PhD students experienced an intense one week immersive experience by working in multidisciplinary teams. Each team having to solve a challenge prepared and coached by our industry experts.
Indicative Time Schedule
When ?
The 2018 session is not yet scheduled (most probably last week of August).
All students stay at the location for the entire duration of the summerschool (incl. overnight).
If you apply, please make sure you will be available for the full week!
De Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren, Geetbets, Belgium (more info)
A unique place to relax and make sure your brain is ready for intense ideation.
Who can apply?
Any PhD candidate with an affinity for developing new business models in a world of limited resources. Candidates are welcome from a variety of disciplines, including: engineering (mining, materials, chemical, electrical, etc.), business and economics, product design, etc.
How to apply?
You can apply online through this website <<click here>>.
Application deadline will be mid-June 2018.
Selection procedure?
A selection of 20 PhD students will be made based on their backgrounds and motivation. We aim for a mix of 75% of students from technical backgrounds and 25% of students from non-technical backgrounds. In case of overbooking, priority will be given to students linked to EIT Raw Material partners.
PhD candidates can ask for an attendance certification to get ECTS credits at their own university.
All expenses directly related to the PhD summer school program (local transportation, accommodation, food) are covered by the EIT Raw Materials.