CIWEM is the leading royal chartered professional body dedicated to the sustainable management of the environment, globally.
CIWEM represents and supports a community of thousands of members and organisations in over 89 countries who are dedicated to improving water and environmental management for the benefit of the public.
Our aim is to work towards a safer, more sustainable world. Our mission is to build a global community of water and environmental professionals dedicated to working for the public benefit.
Our culture and organisational strategy is founded upon two principles: that we are relevant and accessible to all. This drives our passion to create an environment that is safe and encouraging for all people to express themselves and participate fully and to add the richness that a diversity of perspectives bring.
As an independent charity we champion professional standards, impartiality and the use of scientific evidence in the management of the environment. We champion:
- Highly qualified water and environmental managers, engineers and scientists who are recognised globally for their professional expertise and conduct.
- Protection of the public from pollution, environmental destruction and natural hazards through the promotion and share of best practice.
- Application and scientific rigour and impartiality to plans and policies ensuring the best outcomes for society now and in the future.
We are an exciting organisation to be a part of, facing a world full of immense challenges and opportunities.